Visual Design
So this is the last week before i break up for Christmas!!! It’s a stressful week as I need to hand, update and get marked for everything from start till the Christmas break up. I normally stress myself out during time like this but before the assessment i was handed with a project for visual design. This visual design was to portray myself. Not as usual but this time i was told to sketch a few thumbnails and create a final. Basically i was in the lecture and Chris mentions...okay i know you all been busy with your character design for Game production...soon after he said that i started to expect him saying to focus on 3d max and there is no project for this week well that is was we all assumed but it was the opposite!! He gives us another project as stated above. Reason for this is to develop your understanding of myself face features which might be helpful for the character design you doing for game production. So i finally got my final done but seriously it seemed to take forever as it’s my third attempt on Photoshop I expected to get faster but i started to become more picky with the colours, brush strokes etc. I think it’s a good thing!! Instead of just enjoying it I’m noticing my mistakes and fixing them. Seriously this final took 3 days as i had to focus on the 3d character model but i managed to put at least 4 hours a day so a total of 12hours...that’s how long i took on this final especially the eyes!!! I kept redoing it like at least 5 or 6 times but as always it was worth it.....

I was really happy with this final piece for the first time it actually looks like me!! The best positive feeling is that I’m seeing myself improving!! I found the background the easiest to paint but i struggled portraying myself! Finally at the end it was a success!! =D
What do you think??? How can improve??
Game Production
i was so stressed out for the character as it had to handed in before Christmas i was so stressed it was killing me!!! So i got everything done but not to my best standard as i had less time i know it’s unprofessional to say that but I’m still rusty with 3D Max!! Anyway with the time i had I got the high poly done and surprisingly i got my low poly done within few hours but it looked really bad but better than my last year character =D i then found out i got more time for the character and it didn’t need to be handed in!! To be honest i was angry or thought i could’ve took my time but it made me feel like i handled that very well due to the time i had!! But now i got more time to touch things up and tweak it to my best standard and texture it to my best standard!! Anyway before i get carried away babbling on!! Progressions are shown below!!!...
High poly character and low poly character is shown below!!!

I know I’m low poly isn’t in the best form but now that i got more time i will improve both of the models and get them rigged which will be updated on my next blog!! Progression will be shown as always....see you then!!
see over the holiday i had the chance to improve my high poly and low poly ad thought i would put it on this blog in that way it is easir for the viewers to see the difference!!
2 weeks later....

and here is the low poly..

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