Visual Design
For my first week I had to visit Abbey Park and get 12 thumbnails and one final. I actually enjoyed abbey park well enjoyed browsing around but didn’t feel like drawing due to the cold weather but managed to get 8 thumbnails. The only reason why I didn’t want to draw was because of the weather it was bare cold literally freezing. At the end of the day I couldn’t feel my hand!! =(…
At the bottom I have uploaded my final for the first week…

Here is the first final I was kind of proud of the final outcome but I kept thinking to myself how it would look with using digital painting on top. Baring in mind that I never used digital painting but hey there’s always a start. Overall I was kind of pleased with my final but back of my head I knew that I could improve it. So I then edited it with my and it gave me a better final than the original so I was well proud. I only thought it was good because It was my first attempt on Photoshop and it didn’t come out bad what so ever. So I’m sure I’m going start positively the next time I approach it.
This is my progression before I got my final done just to give myself and the viewers the understanding of how it developed from start to end.

Here is the progression. =D now I’m thinking to do another version in white/black version… was thinking to do it over Christmas right now I need to get busy with my game production!!
Game production
Back to square one I guess…well I went on the Tuesday class and got handed with a project which was to create a treasure chest model. It didn’t seem that hard to model well I had that thought for the first time for 3d max but I knew that the legs was going to be challenging. Anyways for the first week my plan was to get the model which was accomplished… this made me feel better in using 3d max.
This is the wireframe for the model I created. Well I planned to unwrap it next week. But I definitely thought it was a good week and I didn’t stress out well so far. =) but I did face a few problems but it was solved due to constant tweaking which seemed to take forever. Well this is my first week and it gave me a positive start so it made me look forward to next week.
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