Second week went really bad for me = (… I went to visit this place for the visual design it’s in Loughborough. Its 4 miles with a car so could you imagine walking. So I took the bus and the guy told me that I arrived and it was middle of nowhere. I couldn’t see anything just two long roads and just one path way. I asked for direction but the people where really rude there and literally ignored me and walked passed. I was like what the f*** seriously!! Anyway I was there looking for the place for almost 2 hours I then see a small town and a shop(SPAR) I was like thank god. Got some snack and drink was so hungry and thirsty. I then approached another guy and he gave me the direction. At least not everyone’s the same I then see some of my people from a distance which were Nicole, Damien and Aaron =D. I went in to take photographs but sadly the place was closing. So I missed my opportunity and fell behind on my visual design. So I revisited on Wednesday and got some reference and got some sketches done. Finally mission accomplished =D…sorry about my story got carried away but it had to be told!! It was a bad day but things started to turn around I got my thumbnails done and my final for the train. It’s uploaded just down below…by the way for this year I’m planning to do at least 2 to 3 final for each project. Anyways back to the drawing...
So what you think?? And here’s my second final..
What I did this for this final is I painted it with coffee it coffee and then went over with dark brown paint and a bit of white paint I then burnt the edges. My intention for this was to give the viewers a thought about being a 1960 painting as it mentioned on the brief. Overall I was pleased with this final piece. Due to the unique composition and right perspective anyway feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. =D
Game production – week2
Okay back to my game production…
So where was I…oh yeah I basically completed modeling the treasure chest and what I planned for this week was to get the UVWrap done and that is exactly what I did. Below are some images of the progression for my treasure chest.
This took me a whole week until I got everything separate. Once that was done it looked like this…
Now I was ready to texture… this was literally a pain in the ass. I was tweaking this for like 5 days morning till night. It gave me migraines but it had to be dealt with. But I got it done eventually and I was ready to texture it next week. I always look forward on texturing. I personally think texturing the model is the fun side to 3d max.
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