Okay my personal review for the second year it felt like I just started this year here I come to the end of the year how fast was that!!! God time flies!!
I have recently checked the progression of my work and god damn I have improved so much my rendering, depth of details, tonal values and mark making looks more confident and my perspective also improving just need to keep drawing over the holidays then I should be near perfection!! Weirdly, my marks are not going up always wondered why?? What am I doing wrong?? How should I improve? See I expected me to get better marks on my first semester cause I had a lot of my work done and I seemed like I improved so much but for me personally I didn’t see the improvements for my markings!! I was really pissed and upset I wouldn’t lie. Yes they may be right on me doing something wrong but what is it?? This hasn’t put me down but made me stronger all I could do is carrying on and keep trying to improve! This applies for 3d max as well! I felt more confident this year with 3d max it felt like it was working exactly how I wanted it to! Soon as the assessment comes it just drags me back down!! What am I doing wrong seriously!! It doesn’t make sense at times! Like no lie sometimes I look at other people work some didn’t even texture the model and they got higher marks than me...how???
Overall I know the teachers are right on marking your grades and I am not saying it is unfair but it would be nice if they explained better on the errors you are making!! With the blogs I could understand but for visual design and game production it is still a blur! Like people say it’s better to say something than just avoid it and keep it in!!
Avoiding the assessments I think year 2 was a huge success for me I have learnt a lot more than my first year and built more complicated assets on 3d max and I actually enjoyed majority of my visual design projects well some were boring but it has to be done. Best to tell the truth than lie...am I not right?? =D well the big twist to year 2 was the group project!! It was a huge experience got to know my course mate’s a lot more than before which is definitely positive. To be honest I am extremely happy with my group I feel like I have learnt a lot more with working with my group than my first year!! I have also used the UDK bearing in mind it’s the first time me using the soft ware and hey I actually enjoyed it! =D just need to get more fluent with the shortcuts buttons it could be complicated at times cause 3d max has different shortcuts to UDK! Need to keep practising on that but I have literally enjoyed majority of my projects this year. This is my personal review of my second year!
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Task 23: Where do you want to go, and how do you get there?
Before I started my first year I was confident and I thought I was brilliant at what I do. Well when I had my first lesson for visual design on my first year it went really bad for me I had trouble with perspective, rendering and everything else. It’s probably because I was under pressure as I had to show it in front of the whole class after the final’s completed but instead I just messed up. After that week everyone got their work and we all showed our work to each other and I was surprised with the work that other student produced it made me feel less confident to be honest I felt shit. I felt like this for a couple of weeks until I had another lecture with mike. Once again mike comes to the rescue he mentions we all should not lose confidence because theirs other artists out there that are better than you but you should use it as your strength and motivation to get better. Since he said that I started to produce better work and started to feel more confident than usual well it’s much better than feeling crap and unconfident. To be honest I didn’t realise how much I improved until I back tracked my work from my previous year and I seen how much I improved. I felt proud and a lot more confident and finally realised I may not be the best artists but I could improve and push it to my best ability until I get as good as an brilliant artist weirdly I never thought like that it’s just because there weren’t many good artist in my school and I always got complimented with my work but in university you get feedback on how you could improve it etc it is way different than high school or college.
I have been asked this question in many occasion in which role do you want to go??? This question was a blur for me for the first year but my mind starting to open up I think I want to be an environment artist but I still struggle with complex perspective I need to achieve the perspective until I could jump in to this role. 3D max should be fine as perspective is done by the programme but I still need to work on 3D max and practise on the UDK and get better at using both programmes. For visual design...I need more practise on perspective
I have decided over the holidays I will draw a lot of environments and landscape and keep practising with all kind of perspective until I get it perfect as it’s important for a game artist to not struggle with perspective. Soon as I get this problem solved I will start applying truthfully I should start applying now hopefully I should start applying after my last assessment which is on the 4th May and check the requirements for an environment artist. This is the path I decided to go for. Hopefully I should solve my problems over the holiday.
I have been asked this question in many occasion in which role do you want to go??? This question was a blur for me for the first year but my mind starting to open up I think I want to be an environment artist but I still struggle with complex perspective I need to achieve the perspective until I could jump in to this role. 3D max should be fine as perspective is done by the programme but I still need to work on 3D max and practise on the UDK and get better at using both programmes. For visual design...I need more practise on perspective
I have decided over the holidays I will draw a lot of environments and landscape and keep practising with all kind of perspective until I get it perfect as it’s important for a game artist to not struggle with perspective. Soon as I get this problem solved I will start applying truthfully I should start applying now hopefully I should start applying after my last assessment which is on the 4th May and check the requirements for an environment artist. This is the path I decided to go for. Hopefully I should solve my problems over the holiday.
Task 22: Life Changing or Career Building?
Well some university might hold the requirements for a job in the game industry and some may not. Like I know a friend who goes to the Birmingham University and he does the same course as me. I asked him a question in general on how was your first year? And what you learnt? Etc. He replied “my first year wasn’t too bad it was kind of easy to be fair mate and for my final project I did a flag on 3D max”. I was like what! Like for my final project it was to create a character on 3D max which is one of the toughest projects. I could say that I’m fortunate to be in the university that I am in now as they make you cover most of the requirements needed for a job. Plus the university kind of have a connection between the BLITZ game company and couple of students made it in and some made it in Naughty Dog’s company. This company created the game uncharted which was one the best game built at a certain point and the graphic were amazing. Students got in because of the experience, talent and hard work. So I must say the tutors know what they talk about and they know what is needed to get into a game company well at least for this university. Some university might not be as fortunate and some may be well that’s how life roles.
Like when I was in school I was always directed to do things but when I got into university it was more of me choosing my path basically it’s more independent. Like mike said the first year of university the student are like puppies and we show three directions that relate to game company which are 3Dmax, Visual design (drawing skills) and critical study. See I use to think that you could just focus on one area but most of the game company require it all so you will have to get good with the three areas as its important for you to get a job. When you get in to the second year the tutors get of your back and let you go off for a bit and on the 3rd year they completely let you go. You basically have master project where is totally up to you what direction you want to go to and what you want to do. This is when you actually experience the reality of independency.
See basically I’m not saying that the tutor controls my future they just direct me to the right path and when I become mature and independent this is where I choose my own path. Art is never limited it just keeps expanding and expanding I personally think that you can’t master a program or media just get really good at it cause they will always change every few years like the program could completely change and medias might be different to the original if you know what I’m saying....
Like when I was in school I was always directed to do things but when I got into university it was more of me choosing my path basically it’s more independent. Like mike said the first year of university the student are like puppies and we show three directions that relate to game company which are 3Dmax, Visual design (drawing skills) and critical study. See I use to think that you could just focus on one area but most of the game company require it all so you will have to get good with the three areas as its important for you to get a job. When you get in to the second year the tutors get of your back and let you go off for a bit and on the 3rd year they completely let you go. You basically have master project where is totally up to you what direction you want to go to and what you want to do. This is when you actually experience the reality of independency.
See basically I’m not saying that the tutor controls my future they just direct me to the right path and when I become mature and independent this is where I choose my own path. Art is never limited it just keeps expanding and expanding I personally think that you can’t master a program or media just get really good at it cause they will always change every few years like the program could completely change and medias might be different to the original if you know what I’m saying....
Task 21: Creativity
I strongly believe that creativity is hidden within everyone but lot of people avoid seeing it nowadays. This has started ages ago from the age of 15 years old I remember my uncle and my father telling me creativity or being artistic doesn’t get you far in life you should focus on the subjects like science, maths or architecture but they always looked down on art and neglected the hard work, creativity and talents that’s been put on to one final piece. Like mike said where all like swans we look like everything simple but underneath the water the swan going all wild with its feet just to pedal its way through the journey this quote definitely relates with us game artists. Like when people look at our work they don’t understand how many hours been put on that one final.
Even though I chose this path as my career my dad is supporting me as usual so that’s not my concern but looking at school in this generation they avoid creativity, talent etc. They focus the kids more on science, English, maths etc. Like Chris mentioned the other time about his daughter about how her English, maths etc. are lacking but like what the heck she’s just 4 years old. Well there’s nothing wrong with that what as ever as every parents wants the best for the children and every teachers for their student but sometimes they just need to step back and let them do whatever they want to do.
Creativity is in majority subject like music, art, dance and a lot more but this blog is not about my opinion of what I think creativity is as I did that last year it’s about how does creativity show itself within the game industry.
As an artist how do you show your creativity? Well I show it through my progression and improvements in my work like if I lacked using other materials I will keep trying until I keep improving. I will like to show my creativity through my improvements.
Am I talented or skilful?? Well I wouldn’t say I’m skilful but I try to show my talent through my art work. University has made me realise how creative I have become comparing to my first year and of course I would know what I need to improve on like the digital painting for example I will need more practise with that to improve and some media’s but I’m sure practise and time will make me achieve my goal.
Even with 3d max and the UDK I need to practise a lot to get really good at using the software to maintain a positive placement for my field. See like early on it said something about game being creative of course it is the whole package is creative like the area, theme, game play etc. UDK and 3Dmax hold the same. Whenever I work on 3D max or UDK I limit my creativity by just doing the project and moving on I should really do another couple of my own project this should enhance my knowledge for the software and my creativity i should hopefully do this over the holiday and enhance my knowledge about creativity.
Even though I chose this path as my career my dad is supporting me as usual so that’s not my concern but looking at school in this generation they avoid creativity, talent etc. They focus the kids more on science, English, maths etc. Like Chris mentioned the other time about his daughter about how her English, maths etc. are lacking but like what the heck she’s just 4 years old. Well there’s nothing wrong with that what as ever as every parents wants the best for the children and every teachers for their student but sometimes they just need to step back and let them do whatever they want to do.
Creativity is in majority subject like music, art, dance and a lot more but this blog is not about my opinion of what I think creativity is as I did that last year it’s about how does creativity show itself within the game industry.
As an artist how do you show your creativity? Well I show it through my progression and improvements in my work like if I lacked using other materials I will keep trying until I keep improving. I will like to show my creativity through my improvements.
Am I talented or skilful?? Well I wouldn’t say I’m skilful but I try to show my talent through my art work. University has made me realise how creative I have become comparing to my first year and of course I would know what I need to improve on like the digital painting for example I will need more practise with that to improve and some media’s but I’m sure practise and time will make me achieve my goal.
Even with 3d max and the UDK I need to practise a lot to get really good at using the software to maintain a positive placement for my field. See like early on it said something about game being creative of course it is the whole package is creative like the area, theme, game play etc. UDK and 3Dmax hold the same. Whenever I work on 3D max or UDK I limit my creativity by just doing the project and moving on I should really do another couple of my own project this should enhance my knowledge for the software and my creativity i should hopefully do this over the holiday and enhance my knowledge about creativity.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Task 20: An introduction to the Game Industry
Here is some research I did it basically shows the growth of the game industry from the 1970’s to the 2000’s I thought it will be best if you had a basic knowledge of the growth before you’re entered the industry. So check the site out...it’s under history =D
Here are a few more sites that will be good to check out....
Basically the sites above mention about the salary, about the recruiting system and basic information on what you will need to get in the industry.
Industries are looking for anyone who has experience on having the degree of a game art course with major experience with 3D max, animation, UDK, 2D and Z-brush plus you will have to have a good CV or covering letter if it’s requested and a brilliant portfolio. If anyone has the qualification I just stated above have thumbs up but the journey doesn’t finish there. Like mike mentioned on one of the lecture... “Before you start year 2 you should check some game industries and check what skills are required...some you might have and some you wouldn’t but you shouldn’t worry because you will have the last two years of university to tick all the missing boxes”. Even though you haven’t ticked all the boxes you should apply every few months so they would be able to see you passion for the game industry not only that but your improvements as well. I mentioning all this have really put me on the spot. Right now I should be applying for jobs and start designing my portfolio i will start on that as soon as possible...I really think this blog is a wakeup call =D
I have asked a lot of previous 3rd years who are now employed in the game industry they always managed to mention something which was “always update your CV....always”!
Yes I seriously think this blog was one of the best/ useful blog as it woke me up and made me realise that I need to start designing my portfolio and start applying! Well I will start on this as soon as I get all my work done!!
After I checked the site above it hit me hard! As many people do they work for money!! After reading the site above it made me realise that I shouldn’t apply for games just because of the money as most of them could be a normal budgeted salary. It’s not me being greedy it’s just me trying to secure my future this is why money was my big concern. The site above mentions a lot about the game industry it mentions the roles, about the job, degree that is needed and to improve my chances in game industry. It also stated that the UK has around 270 game industries which is a brilliant for more information check the site out above but it did mention it is really challenging to get into! now that i got a quick idea of what a game company wants i will need to start ticking the boixes within the two years i got.
Here are a few more sites that will be good to check out....
Basically the sites above mention about the salary, about the recruiting system and basic information on what you will need to get in the industry.
Industries are looking for anyone who has experience on having the degree of a game art course with major experience with 3D max, animation, UDK, 2D and Z-brush plus you will have to have a good CV or covering letter if it’s requested and a brilliant portfolio. If anyone has the qualification I just stated above have thumbs up but the journey doesn’t finish there. Like mike mentioned on one of the lecture... “Before you start year 2 you should check some game industries and check what skills are required...some you might have and some you wouldn’t but you shouldn’t worry because you will have the last two years of university to tick all the missing boxes”. Even though you haven’t ticked all the boxes you should apply every few months so they would be able to see you passion for the game industry not only that but your improvements as well. I mentioning all this have really put me on the spot. Right now I should be applying for jobs and start designing my portfolio i will start on that as soon as possible...I really think this blog is a wakeup call =D
I have asked a lot of previous 3rd years who are now employed in the game industry they always managed to mention something which was “always update your CV....always”!
Yes I seriously think this blog was one of the best/ useful blog as it woke me up and made me realise that I need to start designing my portfolio and start applying! Well I will start on this as soon as I get all my work done!!
After I checked the site above it hit me hard! As many people do they work for money!! After reading the site above it made me realise that I shouldn’t apply for games just because of the money as most of them could be a normal budgeted salary. It’s not me being greedy it’s just me trying to secure my future this is why money was my big concern. The site above mentions a lot about the game industry it mentions the roles, about the job, degree that is needed and to improve my chances in game industry. It also stated that the UK has around 270 game industries which is a brilliant for more information check the site out above but it did mention it is really challenging to get into! now that i got a quick idea of what a game company wants i will need to start ticking the boixes within the two years i got.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Task 19: Elements of Game Technology, part two: Sound for Games
how are sound used in games?
Sound is a big part of games me as a gamer i think sound builds emotions, theme, character and story to the game. like when i played metal gear solid i fell in love with the theme music and some music builded emotions that worked really well when there was a upsetting scene. Sound could be used for other reason like devil may cry, god of war and deadspace have all different sound themes what gives a different genre but it is used for the same reason. i have reralised in these three games i just stated above use a repetitive sound track when the villians, bad guys or monsters come in the game. This lets the player get ready and realise...somethings coming up!...that is just through a sound track. Even for props you will need to sound or it wouldnt work well can u just imagine in a game shooting a gun with out any sound??
found a composer whos been in the industry for over 20 years...more info click on the site below..
on this site it give the information on Jack Wall...he created soundtrack for the game splinter cell and a lot more. music composers are really important for games. i trully think that sound gives realism to the game.
i guess your probably know that im mgs fan boy now lol cause there is a music composer who worked for mgs Kazuki Muraoka information is on the website below:
check it out!! MGS is the best game ever!! =D
In the blog it stated a question is nile rodgers and benard edwards composition 'Good times' is the most influential recording made in the 20th century.
after reading this on this site http://www.disco-disco.com/tributes/chic.shtml it stated that the were one of the best guiter and bass players at the time and they influenced a big crowd. fans kept growing through there music. so yes i believe that they were most influencial at the time.
Sound is a big part of games me as a gamer i think sound builds emotions, theme, character and story to the game. like when i played metal gear solid i fell in love with the theme music and some music builded emotions that worked really well when there was a upsetting scene. Sound could be used for other reason like devil may cry, god of war and deadspace have all different sound themes what gives a different genre but it is used for the same reason. i have reralised in these three games i just stated above use a repetitive sound track when the villians, bad guys or monsters come in the game. This lets the player get ready and realise...somethings coming up!...that is just through a sound track. Even for props you will need to sound or it wouldnt work well can u just imagine in a game shooting a gun with out any sound??
found a composer whos been in the industry for over 20 years...more info click on the site below..
on this site it give the information on Jack Wall...he created soundtrack for the game splinter cell and a lot more. music composers are really important for games. i trully think that sound gives realism to the game.
i guess your probably know that im mgs fan boy now lol cause there is a music composer who worked for mgs Kazuki Muraoka information is on the website below:
check it out!! MGS is the best game ever!! =D
In the blog it stated a question is nile rodgers and benard edwards composition 'Good times' is the most influential recording made in the 20th century.
after reading this on this site http://www.disco-disco.com/tributes/chic.shtml it stated that the were one of the best guiter and bass players at the time and they influenced a big crowd. fans kept growing through there music. so yes i believe that they were most influencial at the time.
Task 18: Elements of Game Technology, part one: Game Engines??
To be honest I have never used any game engines over my previous years which I definitely regret on not doing. I have used UDK recently as I had to for my group project truthfully speaking when I opened UDK (Unreal development kit) it confused the lot out of me and I just minimized it. When I opened it I was like what I meant to do next. Gladly there were some good tutorials on you tube for the UDK which I checked out as I needed to. There were more tutorials for the UDK than 3D max. After checking the tutorial I re-opened UDK and tested it out and it wasn’t so bad as I thought basically it was exactly like when I started using 3D max like it scared the shit out of me on the first time I opened it and now it’s like a regular thing. With the UDK it has different short cut buttons which could get confusing with 3D max as I had problems with using 3D max after using the UDK. You start to get comfortable with the UDK shortcuts and soon as you open 3D max you start using the shortcut buttons that is used for the UDK.
Anyway I did some research and UDK is one of the best game engines as it holds more than some other engines. For example there are other engines that hold one texture or asset each time and then start to render in the scene which could take forever where as the UDK it could load the whole texture and assets in one go which is quicker than the quake 3 engines and a lot more. Plus the UDK holds more tutorials than any other engine so basically it would be stressful using an engine that you are using for the first time without any tutorials where as the UDK you could learn instantly with the tutorials on you tube. UDK has definitely have more advantages than the quake 3D or other engines but there might be other engines that are better than UDK.
Here is a site that explains all the best game engines and the advantages and disadvantages it holds....you must check it out...
Brilliant site that explains each engines it explain the differences.
Anyway I did some research and UDK is one of the best game engines as it holds more than some other engines. For example there are other engines that hold one texture or asset each time and then start to render in the scene which could take forever where as the UDK it could load the whole texture and assets in one go which is quicker than the quake 3 engines and a lot more. Plus the UDK holds more tutorials than any other engine so basically it would be stressful using an engine that you are using for the first time without any tutorials where as the UDK you could learn instantly with the tutorials on you tube. UDK has definitely have more advantages than the quake 3D or other engines but there might be other engines that are better than UDK.
Here is a site that explains all the best game engines and the advantages and disadvantages it holds....you must check it out...
Brilliant site that explains each engines it explain the differences.
Task 17: Elements of game design, part six: Documentation??
Project outline
It begins with a cop (main character) regaining his conscious in a deserted building where he seeks his missing daughter that’s been missing for the past few months. Despite the cop being severely injured he still thrives to rescue his daughter. He then begins his mission on finding his daughter...the target platform is PS3, PSP, Xbox, and PC and the character is shown from 3rd person view thriller/action game. It has disturbing scenes that is overrated so it will be targeted more towards the adult audience. The level and characters will be designed with unreal engine along with Photoshop and 3D max for the assets and characters.
Technical specification
The main character is a male cop who is a father to the girl so he would be in his mid 40’s who is quite muscular and tough. He would be dressed in his uniform with bloodstain on it just because he has been severely injured and plus he would have his pistol with his other requirements such as handcuffs with a broken radio.
As the main character he would be around 10,000 tri’s with 2 diffuse texture map with the size of 1024x1024 plus it would have a specular and normal map with the size of 512x512 and It would be rigged with no more than 28bones.
Properties would be around 2000 tri’s with 1 diffuse map, specular and normals and all the size will be 512x512.
A group of bad guys in the game and a leader who are armed with guns and knifes etc. The minor bad guys will be around 5000 tri’s each atleast 6 different kind of bad guys which totals up to 30,000 tri’s with 1 diffuse map 1024x1024 and the spec and normal would be 512x512.
The properties all together would be around 15,000 tri’s this would include grenades, guns, shield , knife etc. the size of the diffuse map would be around 512x512 this apples for the spec and normal.
The leader is important as much as the main character so he would be around the same tri as the main character. So he will be 10,000 tri’s with 2 diffuse map 1024x1024 with spec and normal 512x512.
His properties would be around 7000 tri,s as he would be minted with gun, grenades etc. the diffuse,normal and spec would be 512x512.
The daughter and the 5 captives will be around 18,000 so 3000 tri’s each as they wouldn’t be shown much in the game play the diffuse map, spec and normal would be 512x512.
The deserted house would be around 35,000 triangles including the objects like broken dining table, broken chairs, cups, mugs, etc. they are all shown below separately.
Level design would be around 20, 000 tri’s with diffuse map 1024x1024, spec and normal 512x512.
Dining table would be around 2000 tri’s with diffuse map 512x512 this also applies with the spec and normal.
Each chair would be around 50 tri’s with 256x256 diffuse map this also applies with the spec and normal.
Cups, mugs, mirrors would all be around 80 tri’s with 256x256 diffuse map, spec and normal.
Sofa’s and desks would be around 2000 tri’s each with 512x512 diffuse map, spec and normal.
Stairways would be around 7000’s tri’s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and 512x512 spec and normal.
Police vehicle would be around 3000 tri,s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and spec and normal 512x512.
Some sport vehicles that would be around 4500 tri’s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and spec and normal that would be 512x512.
The environment is calm and windy during the beginning soon as it gets to the end it starts to thunder and rain. Deserted building that’s growing mould on certain areas and it looks like the building is falling apart.
It begins with a cop (main character) regaining his conscious in a deserted building where he seeks his missing daughter that’s been missing for the past few months. Despite the cop being severely injured he still thrives to rescue his daughter. He then begins his mission on finding his daughter...the target platform is PS3, PSP, Xbox, and PC and the character is shown from 3rd person view thriller/action game. It has disturbing scenes that is overrated so it will be targeted more towards the adult audience. The level and characters will be designed with unreal engine along with Photoshop and 3D max for the assets and characters.
Technical specification
The main character is a male cop who is a father to the girl so he would be in his mid 40’s who is quite muscular and tough. He would be dressed in his uniform with bloodstain on it just because he has been severely injured and plus he would have his pistol with his other requirements such as handcuffs with a broken radio.
As the main character he would be around 10,000 tri’s with 2 diffuse texture map with the size of 1024x1024 plus it would have a specular and normal map with the size of 512x512 and It would be rigged with no more than 28bones.
Properties would be around 2000 tri’s with 1 diffuse map, specular and normals and all the size will be 512x512.
A group of bad guys in the game and a leader who are armed with guns and knifes etc. The minor bad guys will be around 5000 tri’s each atleast 6 different kind of bad guys which totals up to 30,000 tri’s with 1 diffuse map 1024x1024 and the spec and normal would be 512x512.
The properties all together would be around 15,000 tri’s this would include grenades, guns, shield , knife etc. the size of the diffuse map would be around 512x512 this apples for the spec and normal.
The leader is important as much as the main character so he would be around the same tri as the main character. So he will be 10,000 tri’s with 2 diffuse map 1024x1024 with spec and normal 512x512.
His properties would be around 7000 tri,s as he would be minted with gun, grenades etc. the diffuse,normal and spec would be 512x512.
The daughter and the 5 captives will be around 18,000 so 3000 tri’s each as they wouldn’t be shown much in the game play the diffuse map, spec and normal would be 512x512.
The deserted house would be around 35,000 triangles including the objects like broken dining table, broken chairs, cups, mugs, etc. they are all shown below separately.
Level design would be around 20, 000 tri’s with diffuse map 1024x1024, spec and normal 512x512.
Dining table would be around 2000 tri’s with diffuse map 512x512 this also applies with the spec and normal.
Each chair would be around 50 tri’s with 256x256 diffuse map this also applies with the spec and normal.
Cups, mugs, mirrors would all be around 80 tri’s with 256x256 diffuse map, spec and normal.
Sofa’s and desks would be around 2000 tri’s each with 512x512 diffuse map, spec and normal.
Stairways would be around 7000’s tri’s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and 512x512 spec and normal.
Police vehicle would be around 3000 tri,s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and spec and normal 512x512.
Some sport vehicles that would be around 4500 tri’s with 1024x1024 diffuse map and spec and normal that would be 512x512.
The environment is calm and windy during the beginning soon as it gets to the end it starts to thunder and rain. Deserted building that’s growing mould on certain areas and it looks like the building is falling apart.
Task 16: Elements of game design, part seven: Level Design??
Okay basically I came across this task before but I understand it more this is because of this year’s group project. When myself/team built the level and placed placeholders in the scene it made our level look less spacious and more realistic as you would expect a place to have certain things in the level with out anything in the level it wouldn’t make sense or seem real. Level design is important as anything for me its like one of the main parts for a game. Seriously could you imagine a game without any level design?
Level design interacts the player to explore within the level that’s is built and plus level design could create meaning or even a story or theme. Like for example if I built a level with blood stains on the wall etc. you instantly would start to think is this a horror genre game or serial killer etc. basically it brings thoughts to your head and plays with your mind. Where as placeholders are important as the level itself I personally think that placeholders complete the level design.
Level design isn’t as simple as showing a concept of the place as you would have to think how you want the player to interact with the level. Plus you will have to test the lighting and where you would want the shadow to cast on. This brings realism within the game and plus could you imagine a game without any lights.
Level design is not something that could easily be defined in a sentence. Its more complex than that, its more of the process in making the game environment where then the player interacts with the game universe.
See I personally think that level design is artistic and it holds technical process I could be wrong or right but it is what I personally think. Creating a level is being a game designer it is pretty much the finishing touch for a completed game. Level design is important as the game itself I have learnt this from my second year group project as we showed our theme through the level design itself.
Here is a quick site that talks about the progression of level Design.
This is a brilliant site that goes through the progress of level design from the games like sonic, Mario 1980’s etc to the 2000’s. It mentions how it developed and improved it has definitely made me understand the importance of a level design. See like in the 2000’s there is definitely more interactivity within the game universe than 1980’s.
Level design interacts the player to explore within the level that’s is built and plus level design could create meaning or even a story or theme. Like for example if I built a level with blood stains on the wall etc. you instantly would start to think is this a horror genre game or serial killer etc. basically it brings thoughts to your head and plays with your mind. Where as placeholders are important as the level itself I personally think that placeholders complete the level design.
Level design isn’t as simple as showing a concept of the place as you would have to think how you want the player to interact with the level. Plus you will have to test the lighting and where you would want the shadow to cast on. This brings realism within the game and plus could you imagine a game without any lights.
Level design is not something that could easily be defined in a sentence. Its more complex than that, its more of the process in making the game environment where then the player interacts with the game universe.
See I personally think that level design is artistic and it holds technical process I could be wrong or right but it is what I personally think. Creating a level is being a game designer it is pretty much the finishing touch for a completed game. Level design is important as the game itself I have learnt this from my second year group project as we showed our theme through the level design itself.
Here is a quick site that talks about the progression of level Design.
This is a brilliant site that goes through the progress of level design from the games like sonic, Mario 1980’s etc to the 2000’s. It mentions how it developed and improved it has definitely made me understand the importance of a level design. See like in the 2000’s there is definitely more interactivity within the game universe than 1980’s.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Personal blog 10
Week 10
Visual Design
So this is the last week before i break up for Christmas!!! It’s a stressful week as I need to hand, update and get marked for everything from start till the Christmas break up. I normally stress myself out during time like this but before the assessment i was handed with a project for visual design. This visual design was to portray myself. Not as usual but this time i was told to sketch a few thumbnails and create a final. Basically i was in the lecture and Chris mentions...okay i know you all been busy with your character design for Game production...soon after he said that i started to expect him saying to focus on 3d max and there is no project for this week well that is was we all assumed but it was the opposite!! He gives us another project as stated above. Reason for this is to develop your understanding of myself face features which might be helpful for the character design you doing for game production. So i finally got my final done but seriously it seemed to take forever as it’s my third attempt on Photoshop I expected to get faster but i started to become more picky with the colours, brush strokes etc. I think it’s a good thing!! Instead of just enjoying it I’m noticing my mistakes and fixing them. Seriously this final took 3 days as i had to focus on the 3d character model but i managed to put at least 4 hours a day so a total of 12hours...that’s how long i took on this final especially the eyes!!! I kept redoing it like at least 5 or 6 times but as always it was worth it.....

I was really happy with this final piece for the first time it actually looks like me!! The best positive feeling is that I’m seeing myself improving!! I found the background the easiest to paint but i struggled portraying myself! Finally at the end it was a success!! =D
What do you think??? How can improve??
Game Production
i was so stressed out for the character as it had to handed in before Christmas i was so stressed it was killing me!!! So i got everything done but not to my best standard as i had less time i know it’s unprofessional to say that but I’m still rusty with 3D Max!! Anyway with the time i had I got the high poly done and surprisingly i got my low poly done within few hours but it looked really bad but better than my last year character =D i then found out i got more time for the character and it didn’t need to be handed in!! To be honest i was angry or thought i could’ve took my time but it made me feel like i handled that very well due to the time i had!! But now i got more time to touch things up and tweak it to my best standard and texture it to my best standard!! Anyway before i get carried away babbling on!! Progressions are shown below!!!...
High poly character and low poly character is shown below!!!

I know I’m low poly isn’t in the best form but now that i got more time i will improve both of the models and get them rigged which will be updated on my next blog!! Progression will be shown as always....see you then!!
see over the holiday i had the chance to improve my high poly and low poly ad thought i would put it on this blog in that way it is easir for the viewers to see the difference!!
2 weeks later....

and here is the low poly..
Visual Design
So this is the last week before i break up for Christmas!!! It’s a stressful week as I need to hand, update and get marked for everything from start till the Christmas break up. I normally stress myself out during time like this but before the assessment i was handed with a project for visual design. This visual design was to portray myself. Not as usual but this time i was told to sketch a few thumbnails and create a final. Basically i was in the lecture and Chris mentions...okay i know you all been busy with your character design for Game production...soon after he said that i started to expect him saying to focus on 3d max and there is no project for this week well that is was we all assumed but it was the opposite!! He gives us another project as stated above. Reason for this is to develop your understanding of myself face features which might be helpful for the character design you doing for game production. So i finally got my final done but seriously it seemed to take forever as it’s my third attempt on Photoshop I expected to get faster but i started to become more picky with the colours, brush strokes etc. I think it’s a good thing!! Instead of just enjoying it I’m noticing my mistakes and fixing them. Seriously this final took 3 days as i had to focus on the 3d character model but i managed to put at least 4 hours a day so a total of 12hours...that’s how long i took on this final especially the eyes!!! I kept redoing it like at least 5 or 6 times but as always it was worth it.....

I was really happy with this final piece for the first time it actually looks like me!! The best positive feeling is that I’m seeing myself improving!! I found the background the easiest to paint but i struggled portraying myself! Finally at the end it was a success!! =D
What do you think??? How can improve??
Game Production
i was so stressed out for the character as it had to handed in before Christmas i was so stressed it was killing me!!! So i got everything done but not to my best standard as i had less time i know it’s unprofessional to say that but I’m still rusty with 3D Max!! Anyway with the time i had I got the high poly done and surprisingly i got my low poly done within few hours but it looked really bad but better than my last year character =D i then found out i got more time for the character and it didn’t need to be handed in!! To be honest i was angry or thought i could’ve took my time but it made me feel like i handled that very well due to the time i had!! But now i got more time to touch things up and tweak it to my best standard and texture it to my best standard!! Anyway before i get carried away babbling on!! Progressions are shown below!!!...
High poly character and low poly character is shown below!!!

I know I’m low poly isn’t in the best form but now that i got more time i will improve both of the models and get them rigged which will be updated on my next blog!! Progression will be shown as always....see you then!!
see over the holiday i had the chance to improve my high poly and low poly ad thought i would put it on this blog in that way it is easir for the viewers to see the difference!!
2 weeks later....

and here is the low poly..

Personal blog 08 and 09
Week 08 & 09
Visual Design
As usual i was handed with a project which was different compare to my previous projects. This project was to create a futuristic Tripod that should look convincing. However this project is on for 2 weeks. First week is to get sketches done and get a final concept done and for next week get the model done in clay...when i read about this project i was excited and couldn’t wait to start. Anyways as always my progression for the week 8th and 9th is down below....
For the first week i got sketches done!!

I then took few ideas from there to further development!!

I then chose my final sketch and then created it on 3D max...

Final concept

My Tripod model wasn’t too bad in fact i was satisfied with the end product it looked exactly like my sketch. =D
On the second week i had my designs, final concept and my model done on 3d max which wasn’t necessary. So i i felt ready with using the clay. The only thing i was dreading is.....i suck at clay!! =( anyway i started modelling my tripod...god it took forever! I kept redoing it...it was frustrating!! Finally...i thought the nightmare was over but 10mins later my model literally breaks in front of me!! So i re attached everything...again and again!!= (.it took forever to make but at the end i got it done!! What a relief =)! Images are shown below!! i didn’t take images throughout the process which i regret.
but the final clay model will be uploaded asap!!!
Game production
On the eighth and ninth week i focused on making the face model!! This is the main area where i struggle and get frustrated!!! Makes me feel like there’s no room of air....no matter how tough it is i need to face it and get my project done. What i have realised is when i did my character model last year the body took forever but this time it was done remarkable fast....well to me it was. So i thought positive before i started modelling my face model. As mentioned i starting modelling my face below are images of my progression!!

I struggled with this insanely but at the end it was all worth it...i thought my character slightly looked like me too bad not exactly but it was a tough project!! But what i need to focus on now is texturing my character!! =D i thought I’ll get that done on the last week!!
Visual Design
As usual i was handed with a project which was different compare to my previous projects. This project was to create a futuristic Tripod that should look convincing. However this project is on for 2 weeks. First week is to get sketches done and get a final concept done and for next week get the model done in clay...when i read about this project i was excited and couldn’t wait to start. Anyways as always my progression for the week 8th and 9th is down below....
For the first week i got sketches done!!

I then took few ideas from there to further development!!
I then chose my final sketch and then created it on 3D max...

Final concept

My Tripod model wasn’t too bad in fact i was satisfied with the end product it looked exactly like my sketch. =D
On the second week i had my designs, final concept and my model done on 3d max which wasn’t necessary. So i i felt ready with using the clay. The only thing i was dreading is.....i suck at clay!! =( anyway i started modelling my tripod...god it took forever! I kept redoing it...it was frustrating!! Finally...i thought the nightmare was over but 10mins later my model literally breaks in front of me!! So i re attached everything...again and again!!= (.it took forever to make but at the end i got it done!! What a relief =)! Images are shown below!! i didn’t take images throughout the process which i regret.
but the final clay model will be uploaded asap!!!
Game production
On the eighth and ninth week i focused on making the face model!! This is the main area where i struggle and get frustrated!!! Makes me feel like there’s no room of air....no matter how tough it is i need to face it and get my project done. What i have realised is when i did my character model last year the body took forever but this time it was done remarkable fast....well to me it was. So i thought positive before i started modelling my face model. As mentioned i starting modelling my face below are images of my progression!!
I struggled with this insanely but at the end it was all worth it...i thought my character slightly looked like me too bad not exactly but it was a tough project!! But what i need to focus on now is texturing my character!! =D i thought I’ll get that done on the last week!!
Personal blog 07
Week 07
Visual Design
So we finally come back to environment. For this task I had to go out to Leicester and draw an interesting building not an urban environment but a unique building that’s been there for ages. I instantly chose classical buildings don’t know why but it stood out to me and always managed to catch my eyes. So I chose a couple of classical buildings so I could warm up my hand by doing 12 thumbnail sketches before I did my final. Soon after the sketches were done I did my final. I drew the final in a different composition just to make it look more interesting and not boring if you know what I mean. See like sometimes I think the composition of the sketch makes it more unique. Anyway before I get carried away here is my sketch for the final….

When my final was done I was really happy with my final outcome but comparing to my other finals this looked less detailed than the others but the simplicity stood out to me. I was happy with the final outcome the only thing that put me down again was the perspective I think it was slightly off… =( but I won’t give up until its perfect =D.
Game Production
Wow is the seventh week…times flying! So now I handed two projects which were the treasure chest and the trash. Now I was handed with a project which was to create a self portrait in the style of Mortal Engines. For our reference I had to purchase a book of Mortal engines written by Phillip Reeves. I had to read the book and choose an interesting character and start modeling myself in the style of the book. After reading the book I have chosen my character and it is no one but the main character Tom Natsworthy…a 15year old kid who is always rushing to places!
In occasion like this I normally get confused but I chose my character straight away without any confusion which was a stress relief and it was beneficial as I saved time =D…
Straight to work….i started to sketch few ideas for my character and started on 3d max staright away!!
This is what I got done in the first week to be honest I was quite impressed.

I was a bit scared of the third project due to last year gladiator project.
I struggled on my character and the end result looked terrible it was shit I tell you. Anyway I uploaded my character from the first year so I could make the improvements clearer enough to see but I was still dreading on making the face.
Here’s the character from last year….

It’s bad isn’t it!!…when I looked back at this and looked at my present one it made me laugh and realize how much I improved…=D looking forward to next week for my character design…
Visual Design
So we finally come back to environment. For this task I had to go out to Leicester and draw an interesting building not an urban environment but a unique building that’s been there for ages. I instantly chose classical buildings don’t know why but it stood out to me and always managed to catch my eyes. So I chose a couple of classical buildings so I could warm up my hand by doing 12 thumbnail sketches before I did my final. Soon after the sketches were done I did my final. I drew the final in a different composition just to make it look more interesting and not boring if you know what I mean. See like sometimes I think the composition of the sketch makes it more unique. Anyway before I get carried away here is my sketch for the final….
When my final was done I was really happy with my final outcome but comparing to my other finals this looked less detailed than the others but the simplicity stood out to me. I was happy with the final outcome the only thing that put me down again was the perspective I think it was slightly off… =( but I won’t give up until its perfect =D.
Game Production
Wow is the seventh week…times flying! So now I handed two projects which were the treasure chest and the trash. Now I was handed with a project which was to create a self portrait in the style of Mortal Engines. For our reference I had to purchase a book of Mortal engines written by Phillip Reeves. I had to read the book and choose an interesting character and start modeling myself in the style of the book. After reading the book I have chosen my character and it is no one but the main character Tom Natsworthy…a 15year old kid who is always rushing to places!
In occasion like this I normally get confused but I chose my character straight away without any confusion which was a stress relief and it was beneficial as I saved time =D…
Straight to work….i started to sketch few ideas for my character and started on 3d max staright away!!
This is what I got done in the first week to be honest I was quite impressed.
I was a bit scared of the third project due to last year gladiator project.
I struggled on my character and the end result looked terrible it was shit I tell you. Anyway I uploaded my character from the first year so I could make the improvements clearer enough to see but I was still dreading on making the face.
Here’s the character from last year….
It’s bad isn’t it!!…when I looked back at this and looked at my present one it made me laugh and realize how much I improved…=D looking forward to next week for my character design…
Personal blog 06
Week 06
Visual Design
For this week our brief was to create a futuristic vehicle design and it should look acceptable. What I mean is the vehicle I design must look creatable, designable and acceptable for the future terms. I normally struggle with projects like this it normally leads me to confusion due to many ideas jammed in my head. To loosen up my mind I went to the library and picked a few book of car design and few books of insect’s features as I decided to make a combination of the two books to design my vehicle design. Soon after I got few sketch I mean loads of sketches which even led me to more confusion!! I didn’t know what to do or which design to choose but I eventually did. I decided to create it on 3d max first and print screen my model and develop from there and then paint it on Photoshop for my final design.
Below shows the model I created on 3d max and progression from there…..

these are some quick sketches i did!! i finally chose my vehicle design and designed it on 3d max!! my first attempt was in red!! didnt look right to me so i changed t to black!!! and went over with paint on photoshop!! more progressions shown below!!

still needs to be finished!! will upload asap!! =D
Game Production
Well this is the handing week for the trash project. See I never thought I would struggle with this project as I finished last week but I got insane with texturing the model. I got carried away and misled myself to pressure. As always I handed it in on time but to be honest I wasn’t satisfied with my final outcome. Once it was handed in I was unhappy with the texturing. I thought I brightened some objects a bit too much. So from there I decided most of my models will be re textured in Christmas if not Christmas then definitely in my own spare time. I need to be fully satisfied in that way it won’t bug me anymore thinking that I could do better. =D
Here’s my render page for my second project (trash)…

So what you think??...
Visual Design
For this week our brief was to create a futuristic vehicle design and it should look acceptable. What I mean is the vehicle I design must look creatable, designable and acceptable for the future terms. I normally struggle with projects like this it normally leads me to confusion due to many ideas jammed in my head. To loosen up my mind I went to the library and picked a few book of car design and few books of insect’s features as I decided to make a combination of the two books to design my vehicle design. Soon after I got few sketch I mean loads of sketches which even led me to more confusion!! I didn’t know what to do or which design to choose but I eventually did. I decided to create it on 3d max first and print screen my model and develop from there and then paint it on Photoshop for my final design.
Below shows the model I created on 3d max and progression from there…..

these are some quick sketches i did!! i finally chose my vehicle design and designed it on 3d max!! my first attempt was in red!! didnt look right to me so i changed t to black!!! and went over with paint on photoshop!! more progressions shown below!!

still needs to be finished!! will upload asap!! =D
Game Production
Well this is the handing week for the trash project. See I never thought I would struggle with this project as I finished last week but I got insane with texturing the model. I got carried away and misled myself to pressure. As always I handed it in on time but to be honest I wasn’t satisfied with my final outcome. Once it was handed in I was unhappy with the texturing. I thought I brightened some objects a bit too much. So from there I decided most of my models will be re textured in Christmas if not Christmas then definitely in my own spare time. I need to be fully satisfied in that way it won’t bug me anymore thinking that I could do better. =D
Here’s my render page for my second project (trash)…

So what you think??...
Personal blog 05
Week 05
Visual Design
This task is to look at various landscapes and learn the understanding of how its broke down in three groups which is sky, background and foreground. So I had a long trip to brad gate which is 4 miles away. So me and my class mates got a taxi and got there within 10-15mins. See for me brad gate was a bad experience last year. We got there within twenty minutes and took forever to get back was in the cold for like 2 to 3 hours….not good. So I was dreading that but this time it didn’t happen to me so I was glad. Anyway trip to brad gate wasn’t too bad the weather was mixture of warm and cold. When it started to hit evening time it was cold and I couldn’t feel my hand = (but I managed to get 8 sketches done. I decided to involve rocks in my final as most of my sketches where based on rocks. So I quickly took pictures and decided to revisit it another time. When I revisited I took more pictures and luckily the day was sunny which was surprising. On my revisit I got all my sketches done so all I had to do is focus my final.
When all my sketches were done I got my final done which is shown below….

I was really proud of this final but it took forever especially the rocks but It was worth it…=D
anyways what do you think???
As I finished my final within 10 hours and I had nothing to do so I thought I’ll give Photoshop another try. This time my approach was more comfortable. =D
So I did another final on Photoshop for the second time…here is my progression.

Here is my progression for my second final for brad gate. This time I really enjoyed Photoshop but I still need a lot more practice to improve on Photoshop and I need to start making brush tools for myself.

My intention for this final was to make it look like acrylic final…
Game Production
here is the second week for the trash project time seems to be flying by =( not good….anyway all I needed to do is keep up to date and keep producing which I kept doing. On this week I was focusing on unwrapping my model and get the texture done so I could save more time for my character… progressions are shown below….

I textured everything but nothing seemed right to me don’t know why!!! It was killing me I was confused….apparently I couldn’t save time for my self portrait project because I decided to focus on re-texturing the model…this carries on my next blog….will be updated ASAP…=D
Visual Design
This task is to look at various landscapes and learn the understanding of how its broke down in three groups which is sky, background and foreground. So I had a long trip to brad gate which is 4 miles away. So me and my class mates got a taxi and got there within 10-15mins. See for me brad gate was a bad experience last year. We got there within twenty minutes and took forever to get back was in the cold for like 2 to 3 hours….not good. So I was dreading that but this time it didn’t happen to me so I was glad. Anyway trip to brad gate wasn’t too bad the weather was mixture of warm and cold. When it started to hit evening time it was cold and I couldn’t feel my hand = (but I managed to get 8 sketches done. I decided to involve rocks in my final as most of my sketches where based on rocks. So I quickly took pictures and decided to revisit it another time. When I revisited I took more pictures and luckily the day was sunny which was surprising. On my revisit I got all my sketches done so all I had to do is focus my final.
When all my sketches were done I got my final done which is shown below….

I was really proud of this final but it took forever especially the rocks but It was worth it…=D
anyways what do you think???
As I finished my final within 10 hours and I had nothing to do so I thought I’ll give Photoshop another try. This time my approach was more comfortable. =D
So I did another final on Photoshop for the second time…here is my progression.

Here is my progression for my second final for brad gate. This time I really enjoyed Photoshop but I still need a lot more practice to improve on Photoshop and I need to start making brush tools for myself.

My intention for this final was to make it look like acrylic final…
Game Production
here is the second week for the trash project time seems to be flying by =( not good….anyway all I needed to do is keep up to date and keep producing which I kept doing. On this week I was focusing on unwrapping my model and get the texture done so I could save more time for my character… progressions are shown below….

I textured everything but nothing seemed right to me don’t know why!!! It was killing me I was confused….apparently I couldn’t save time for my self portrait project because I decided to focus on re-texturing the model…this carries on my next blog….will be updated ASAP…=D
Personal blog 04
Week 04
Visual Design
This week was different I was handed with a project where I had to create 12 thumbnail sketches and one final but I had to create a model…basically anything with paper.
This is what I created for my first sculpting with paper…
The hand sculpting will be uploaded asap!! =D
To be honest I wasn’t happy with the final outcome as I knew that I could’ve done better but the first attempt wasn’t too bad so the next time I start on sculpting I should have a positive mind. This is the sculpting I did of my hand wasn’t proud of it what so ever especially with the time I put on to it. Anyway as always I thought I would have another attempt on sculpting with paper. Just to improve and expand my knowledge on building objects with paper.
Game production
I was looking forward to my fourth week for game production as I knew I was going to have a new project handed to me. This project was to create a scene of trash. People don’t acknowledge the fact of trash being in game gives it a realistic theme. If you know what I mean…. do you? If not ask =D
So I started straight away on modeling the trash… it was simple to create as it was a mini project.. got the model done on the first week …. Images are down below as usual….

Soon after the model was done I put more time in visual design and got my sculpting done. So to me this week was a stress relief and less pressure… so for the first time I had this feeling and I’ll tell you it felt really good. But I knew this feeling wasn’t going to last …
Visual Design
This week was different I was handed with a project where I had to create 12 thumbnail sketches and one final but I had to create a model…basically anything with paper.
This is what I created for my first sculpting with paper…
The hand sculpting will be uploaded asap!! =D
To be honest I wasn’t happy with the final outcome as I knew that I could’ve done better but the first attempt wasn’t too bad so the next time I start on sculpting I should have a positive mind. This is the sculpting I did of my hand wasn’t proud of it what so ever especially with the time I put on to it. Anyway as always I thought I would have another attempt on sculpting with paper. Just to improve and expand my knowledge on building objects with paper.
Game production
I was looking forward to my fourth week for game production as I knew I was going to have a new project handed to me. This project was to create a scene of trash. People don’t acknowledge the fact of trash being in game gives it a realistic theme. If you know what I mean…. do you? If not ask =D
So I started straight away on modeling the trash… it was simple to create as it was a mini project.. got the model done on the first week …. Images are down below as usual….
Soon after the model was done I put more time in visual design and got my sculpting done. So to me this week was a stress relief and less pressure… so for the first time I had this feeling and I’ll tell you it felt really good. But I knew this feeling wasn’t going to last …
Personal blog 03
Week 3
Visual Design
For the third week I was handed with a project which was to explore the urban environment in Leicester. As always the brief stated to create 12 thumbnail sketches and one final but this time the brief mentioned to create a final similar to an artist’s work. So as always when I was handed with a project I started to get all my thumbnails done. The weather was really cold as British weather is inevitable =D which is so true. Anyway back to my progression….
First im going to show the (…..) artists work so I could show you my intention through the artists work...

This is one of Gorden Cullen’s work and my intention was to show my comparison between my work to the artists.
So I finally created my final in the artist style which is shown down below…

This is the final I created to be honest I was really satisfied or happy with my final outcome but I thought it was a decent attempt on capturing the resemblance between my work and the artist.
Could you see my intentions?? Could you see the comparison??
Game Production
the third week was the texturing week as I planned and mentioned in my previous blogs. So I started to texture my model. It was a bit stressful as it was the handing week. So I started to texture the model…when it was done it looked like this…

This is how it looked…to be honest I thought my final looked really good and I was happy the only thing that bugged me was the alpha channels, spec and normal map didn’t seem to work. I asked for help and guidance but nothing seemed to help. I was gutted and upset but I thought I will give it another ago on texturing after Christmas as I had no time. This doesn’t put me down but makes me stronger and extends my knowledge so I could prevent it from happening in the future…
Here’s my treasure chest and the reference is below…what do you think??? I’m not expecting compliments but how to improve it and how I could get better… thanks.
Visual Design
For the third week I was handed with a project which was to explore the urban environment in Leicester. As always the brief stated to create 12 thumbnail sketches and one final but this time the brief mentioned to create a final similar to an artist’s work. So as always when I was handed with a project I started to get all my thumbnails done. The weather was really cold as British weather is inevitable =D which is so true. Anyway back to my progression….
First im going to show the (…..) artists work so I could show you my intention through the artists work...

This is one of Gorden Cullen’s work and my intention was to show my comparison between my work to the artists.
So I finally created my final in the artist style which is shown down below…
This is the final I created to be honest I was really satisfied or happy with my final outcome but I thought it was a decent attempt on capturing the resemblance between my work and the artist.
Could you see my intentions?? Could you see the comparison??
Game Production
the third week was the texturing week as I planned and mentioned in my previous blogs. So I started to texture my model. It was a bit stressful as it was the handing week. So I started to texture the model…when it was done it looked like this…
This is how it looked…to be honest I thought my final looked really good and I was happy the only thing that bugged me was the alpha channels, spec and normal map didn’t seem to work. I asked for help and guidance but nothing seemed to help. I was gutted and upset but I thought I will give it another ago on texturing after Christmas as I had no time. This doesn’t put me down but makes me stronger and extends my knowledge so I could prevent it from happening in the future…
Here’s my treasure chest and the reference is below…what do you think??? I’m not expecting compliments but how to improve it and how I could get better… thanks.
Personal blog 02
Visual Design – week 2
Second week went really bad for me = (… I went to visit this place for the visual design it’s in Loughborough. Its 4 miles with a car so could you imagine walking. So I took the bus and the guy told me that I arrived and it was middle of nowhere. I couldn’t see anything just two long roads and just one path way. I asked for direction but the people where really rude there and literally ignored me and walked passed. I was like what the f*** seriously!! Anyway I was there looking for the place for almost 2 hours I then see a small town and a shop(SPAR) I was like thank god. Got some snack and drink was so hungry and thirsty. I then approached another guy and he gave me the direction. At least not everyone’s the same I then see some of my people from a distance which were Nicole, Damien and Aaron =D. I went in to take photographs but sadly the place was closing. So I missed my opportunity and fell behind on my visual design. So I revisited on Wednesday and got some reference and got some sketches done. Finally mission accomplished =D…sorry about my story got carried away but it had to be told!! It was a bad day but things started to turn around I got my thumbnails done and my final for the train. It’s uploaded just down below…by the way for this year I’m planning to do at least 2 to 3 final for each project. Anyways back to the drawing...

So what you think?? And here’s my second final..

What I did this for this final is I painted it with coffee it coffee and then went over with dark brown paint and a bit of white paint I then burnt the edges. My intention for this was to give the viewers a thought about being a 1960 painting as it mentioned on the brief. Overall I was pleased with this final piece. Due to the unique composition and right perspective anyway feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. =D
Game production – week2
Okay back to my game production…
So where was I…oh yeah I basically completed modeling the treasure chest and what I planned for this week was to get the UVWrap done and that is exactly what I did. Below are some images of the progression for my treasure chest.

This took me a whole week until I got everything separate. Once that was done it looked like this…

Now I was ready to texture… this was literally a pain in the ass. I was tweaking this for like 5 days morning till night. It gave me migraines but it had to be dealt with. But I got it done eventually and I was ready to texture it next week. I always look forward on texturing. I personally think texturing the model is the fun side to 3d max.
Second week went really bad for me = (… I went to visit this place for the visual design it’s in Loughborough. Its 4 miles with a car so could you imagine walking. So I took the bus and the guy told me that I arrived and it was middle of nowhere. I couldn’t see anything just two long roads and just one path way. I asked for direction but the people where really rude there and literally ignored me and walked passed. I was like what the f*** seriously!! Anyway I was there looking for the place for almost 2 hours I then see a small town and a shop(SPAR) I was like thank god. Got some snack and drink was so hungry and thirsty. I then approached another guy and he gave me the direction. At least not everyone’s the same I then see some of my people from a distance which were Nicole, Damien and Aaron =D. I went in to take photographs but sadly the place was closing. So I missed my opportunity and fell behind on my visual design. So I revisited on Wednesday and got some reference and got some sketches done. Finally mission accomplished =D…sorry about my story got carried away but it had to be told!! It was a bad day but things started to turn around I got my thumbnails done and my final for the train. It’s uploaded just down below…by the way for this year I’m planning to do at least 2 to 3 final for each project. Anyways back to the drawing...
So what you think?? And here’s my second final..
What I did this for this final is I painted it with coffee it coffee and then went over with dark brown paint and a bit of white paint I then burnt the edges. My intention for this was to give the viewers a thought about being a 1960 painting as it mentioned on the brief. Overall I was pleased with this final piece. Due to the unique composition and right perspective anyway feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. =D
Game production – week2
Okay back to my game production…
So where was I…oh yeah I basically completed modeling the treasure chest and what I planned for this week was to get the UVWrap done and that is exactly what I did. Below are some images of the progression for my treasure chest.
This took me a whole week until I got everything separate. Once that was done it looked like this…
Now I was ready to texture… this was literally a pain in the ass. I was tweaking this for like 5 days morning till night. It gave me migraines but it had to be dealt with. But I got it done eventually and I was ready to texture it next week. I always look forward on texturing. I personally think texturing the model is the fun side to 3d max.
Personal blog 01
Well here I am…just had the first week of year2. First week was not bad at all well it I am definitely more confident and organized compared to my first year. I could say this with full confidence because now I know what to expect and how much needs to be done. Back to talking about my first week basically as usual I have three separate models which are Visual design, Game production and Critical study.
Visual Design
For my first week I had to visit Abbey Park and get 12 thumbnails and one final. I actually enjoyed abbey park well enjoyed browsing around but didn’t feel like drawing due to the cold weather but managed to get 8 thumbnails. The only reason why I didn’t want to draw was because of the weather it was bare cold literally freezing. At the end of the day I couldn’t feel my hand!! =(…
At the bottom I have uploaded my final for the first week…

Here is the first final I was kind of proud of the final outcome but I kept thinking to myself how it would look with using digital painting on top. Baring in mind that I never used digital painting but hey there’s always a start. Overall I was kind of pleased with my final but back of my head I knew that I could improve it. So I then edited it with my and it gave me a better final than the original so I was well proud. I only thought it was good because It was my first attempt on Photoshop and it didn’t come out bad what so ever. So I’m sure I’m going start positively the next time I approach it.
This is my progression before I got my final done just to give myself and the viewers the understanding of how it developed from start to end.

Here is the progression. =D now I’m thinking to do another version in white/black version… was thinking to do it over Christmas right now I need to get busy with my game production!!
Game production
Back to square one I guess…well I went on the Tuesday class and got handed with a project which was to create a treasure chest model. It didn’t seem that hard to model well I had that thought for the first time for 3d max but I knew that the legs was going to be challenging. Anyways for the first week my plan was to get the model which was accomplished… this made me feel better in using 3d max.

This is the wireframe for the model I created. Well I planned to unwrap it next week. But I definitely thought it was a good week and I didn’t stress out well so far. =) but I did face a few problems but it was solved due to constant tweaking which seemed to take forever. Well this is my first week and it gave me a positive start so it made me look forward to next week.
Visual Design
For my first week I had to visit Abbey Park and get 12 thumbnails and one final. I actually enjoyed abbey park well enjoyed browsing around but didn’t feel like drawing due to the cold weather but managed to get 8 thumbnails. The only reason why I didn’t want to draw was because of the weather it was bare cold literally freezing. At the end of the day I couldn’t feel my hand!! =(…
At the bottom I have uploaded my final for the first week…

Here is the first final I was kind of proud of the final outcome but I kept thinking to myself how it would look with using digital painting on top. Baring in mind that I never used digital painting but hey there’s always a start. Overall I was kind of pleased with my final but back of my head I knew that I could improve it. So I then edited it with my and it gave me a better final than the original so I was well proud. I only thought it was good because It was my first attempt on Photoshop and it didn’t come out bad what so ever. So I’m sure I’m going start positively the next time I approach it.
This is my progression before I got my final done just to give myself and the viewers the understanding of how it developed from start to end.

Here is the progression. =D now I’m thinking to do another version in white/black version… was thinking to do it over Christmas right now I need to get busy with my game production!!
Game production
Back to square one I guess…well I went on the Tuesday class and got handed with a project which was to create a treasure chest model. It didn’t seem that hard to model well I had that thought for the first time for 3d max but I knew that the legs was going to be challenging. Anyways for the first week my plan was to get the model which was accomplished… this made me feel better in using 3d max.
This is the wireframe for the model I created. Well I planned to unwrap it next week. But I definitely thought it was a good week and I didn’t stress out well so far. =) but I did face a few problems but it was solved due to constant tweaking which seemed to take forever. Well this is my first week and it gave me a positive start so it made me look forward to next week.
Task 15: Elements of game design, part six: Visual Composition
Visual composition – spatial awareness, 3d etc. , techniques, sketches,
Visual composition is mainly based upon the conception of the human eye, including its understanding and connection between the images and the story they convey. Ones visual conception of an image may include ones visual perception, including; specific parts of an image appealing to the viewer and questioning them why they had caught their eye. The way in which an image is perceived by a viewer may also depend on the artists’ professional skills and their ability to use a range of techniques. If the artist is unable to use a variety of professional artistic skills, (e.g. ) the individual may not be able to perceive the correct image that is directed.
In the process of visual design my understanding of developing art has widely expanded, as now I am able to show my “artistic” visual perception for others to see and understand. My judgemental views on my work can also be seen through other viewer’s naked eye as well as their thoughts.
From my experience of using 3 dimensional art , i have found it to be alot more difficult to use in comparison to “2D art, this is because 3d art not only involves one perception of an image, it includes a a variety of angles and positions of a particular image or object. Also, 2D art only shows one view of the image fo a human eye, whereas 3D art is able to define the image at different perspectives , therefore betraying the images beyond the human eye, for example, if a triangle was viewed at from, only one angle would be possible. The 4th dimensional aspect may be developed into interactive games (e.g. ps3 game seats where water may be released according to the game design, remote controls)
Concept art gets the viewer interested in the work and enables them to have an understanding of how the composition could be and how the work may have developed to its final stage. Additionally, concept art allows the artist to show a range of different sketches or views of their thoughts and development, allowing them to expand their ideas, providing them with an overview perspective.
There are many processes which lead to the development of a final piece,
Visual composition is mainly based upon the conception of the human eye, including its understanding and connection between the images and the story they convey. Ones visual conception of an image may include ones visual perception, including; specific parts of an image appealing to the viewer and questioning them why they had caught their eye. The way in which an image is perceived by a viewer may also depend on the artists’ professional skills and their ability to use a range of techniques. If the artist is unable to use a variety of professional artistic skills, (e.g. ) the individual may not be able to perceive the correct image that is directed.
In the process of visual design my understanding of developing art has widely expanded, as now I am able to show my “artistic” visual perception for others to see and understand. My judgemental views on my work can also be seen through other viewer’s naked eye as well as their thoughts.
From my experience of using 3 dimensional art , i have found it to be alot more difficult to use in comparison to “2D art, this is because 3d art not only involves one perception of an image, it includes a a variety of angles and positions of a particular image or object. Also, 2D art only shows one view of the image fo a human eye, whereas 3D art is able to define the image at different perspectives , therefore betraying the images beyond the human eye, for example, if a triangle was viewed at from, only one angle would be possible. The 4th dimensional aspect may be developed into interactive games (e.g. ps3 game seats where water may be released according to the game design, remote controls)
Concept art gets the viewer interested in the work and enables them to have an understanding of how the composition could be and how the work may have developed to its final stage. Additionally, concept art allows the artist to show a range of different sketches or views of their thoughts and development, allowing them to expand their ideas, providing them with an overview perspective.
There are many processes which lead to the development of a final piece,
Task 14: Elements of game design, part five: Planning and Concepting
Okay second blog is about how your brain corporate with what you visualize. Brain is not limited it expands and expands and never gets filled basically it never has enough. This task should be easily answered as it’s been experienced occasionally for the course I am doing.
Okay let’s just say you was handed with a project which was to produce anything that is futuristic and acceptable. Your brain will instantly switch on. This is because of what we all observed through our life time. I’m sure you watched or did everything that is specified below…
TV, games, movies, or even read books and a lot more. There are no limitations on observing ideas. So we should thank the software’s for expanding ideas but mostly we should all thank our eyes and brain.
Lets come back to me…shall we…
What happened to me when I was given a project which was to create a tripod…what happened?
Yes it is true! I didn’t come up with random ideas with flashing lights!! It all comes with what I’ve experienced or visualized. Like for example, I wasn’t like what the heck am i suppose to do or had no ideas what’s so ever... but i was just confused due to all the ideas I had jammed in my head which led me to confusion... it was crazy i tell you.
Well eventually i looked at tripods from movies, books from library, checked on the net etc. because everything comes with research. I then put all my research together and combined the lot which definitely led me to a great concept. I strongly believe planning strategy works like this…you first research and then combine ideas and then you create concepts and then show it to everyone and get feedback and carry on what majority of the people got attracted by and then develop further from there and then model the thing..=D
The best process of planning isn’t what you create at the end but it’s the research behind it. It’s the progression that makes the work quality. For example I could look at a final and say “wow! That’s nice but if they show more of the planning and progression from start to end. I personally will think that it draws more attention and gives the viewer the understanding how much effort he or she put on to the final”. Hope you know what I mean and that’s my way of thinking =)
Anyway....at the bottom I’m going to show you the task that i mentioned earlier on...the example will show the process from start to end. Here goes the example...hope it makes sense...

Firstly as I mentioned earlier I did some research on the net and checked some movies that could be related. Soon after I got some images and Ideas I developed from there. I instantly sketched a few ideas…

I quickly got some designs on to the paper from I chose a few basic shapes and developed from there.
I now had the basic shape and from there I developed further.

My idea grew from these ideas. I then finally chose one which is going to be modeled very soon. It will be uploaded =) anyway that’s my way of planning. Like mike said all your sketches should be the product of evolving, iterative process. See you in my next log =D
Okay let’s just say you was handed with a project which was to produce anything that is futuristic and acceptable. Your brain will instantly switch on. This is because of what we all observed through our life time. I’m sure you watched or did everything that is specified below…
TV, games, movies, or even read books and a lot more. There are no limitations on observing ideas. So we should thank the software’s for expanding ideas but mostly we should all thank our eyes and brain.
Lets come back to me…shall we…
What happened to me when I was given a project which was to create a tripod…what happened?
Yes it is true! I didn’t come up with random ideas with flashing lights!! It all comes with what I’ve experienced or visualized. Like for example, I wasn’t like what the heck am i suppose to do or had no ideas what’s so ever... but i was just confused due to all the ideas I had jammed in my head which led me to confusion... it was crazy i tell you.
Well eventually i looked at tripods from movies, books from library, checked on the net etc. because everything comes with research. I then put all my research together and combined the lot which definitely led me to a great concept. I strongly believe planning strategy works like this…you first research and then combine ideas and then you create concepts and then show it to everyone and get feedback and carry on what majority of the people got attracted by and then develop further from there and then model the thing..=D
The best process of planning isn’t what you create at the end but it’s the research behind it. It’s the progression that makes the work quality. For example I could look at a final and say “wow! That’s nice but if they show more of the planning and progression from start to end. I personally will think that it draws more attention and gives the viewer the understanding how much effort he or she put on to the final”. Hope you know what I mean and that’s my way of thinking =)
Anyway....at the bottom I’m going to show you the task that i mentioned earlier on...the example will show the process from start to end. Here goes the example...hope it makes sense...

Firstly as I mentioned earlier I did some research on the net and checked some movies that could be related. Soon after I got some images and Ideas I developed from there. I instantly sketched a few ideas…
I quickly got some designs on to the paper from I chose a few basic shapes and developed from there.
I now had the basic shape and from there I developed further.
My idea grew from these ideas. I then finally chose one which is going to be modeled very soon. It will be uploaded =) anyway that’s my way of planning. Like mike said all your sketches should be the product of evolving, iterative process. See you in my next log =D
task 13 - Managing your studies, academic offences, bad academic practice, time management
Well, where can I start...What would you like to be in the near future? What career would you like to pursue? Well...these questions were directed to me on numerous occasions most commonly during the past two years! These questions occurred to confuse my mind but I was glad they were brought to my consideration! I was very eager to discover what I really wanted to do with my career after completing this course. So I’m going to begin my research and in depth reading to see what jigsaw will fit into my missing puzzle. I must admit that Mike advice was really helpful;
“Search on the net...find jobs that relates to the course that I’m currently doing and then read about the job and highlight the skills/experience that is needed and if there is anything missing I should fill the missing gaps throughout the 2years of university”.
Back to the task!
I have just read the thought about a student, Del walker! His comments on a being a game designer is very direct. His thought was straight to the point and eye opening. I wouldn’t say that I’m the best 2D drawer or the best 3D modeller but nothing stops me from practising. All it needs is time, practise and most of all passion that could lead us to achieve the best of my talent. Well I really liked the sentence that Del had in his thought which was...
“Nobody cares how much passion you “claim” to have for games. Your passion should shine through your work”.
The verse from the article particularly attracted my attention.
I am not going to lie but after reading Del Walker and Ben Mathis thoughts has really put me on the spot. I felt really bad but I won’t let it affect me. What they are saying is harsh but it is the truth. No one likes hearing the truth when it’s bitter. It made me realise that i need to work even more and enjoy it twice as much. Now it starts to make me think in the holidays i did not once touch my sketch book but if i had i would have improved a lot more. Reading their thoughts has literally opened my eyes. Now all I need to do is work my ass off and put more hours in to my work. Oops...sorry I’m getting carried away. I need to get back to answering the task....
“Search on the net...find jobs that relates to the course that I’m currently doing and then read about the job and highlight the skills/experience that is needed and if there is anything missing I should fill the missing gaps throughout the 2years of university”.
Back to the task!
I have just read the thought about a student, Del walker! His comments on a being a game designer is very direct. His thought was straight to the point and eye opening. I wouldn’t say that I’m the best 2D drawer or the best 3D modeller but nothing stops me from practising. All it needs is time, practise and most of all passion that could lead us to achieve the best of my talent. Well I really liked the sentence that Del had in his thought which was...
“Nobody cares how much passion you “claim” to have for games. Your passion should shine through your work”.
The verse from the article particularly attracted my attention.
I am not going to lie but after reading Del Walker and Ben Mathis thoughts has really put me on the spot. I felt really bad but I won’t let it affect me. What they are saying is harsh but it is the truth. No one likes hearing the truth when it’s bitter. It made me realise that i need to work even more and enjoy it twice as much. Now it starts to make me think in the holidays i did not once touch my sketch book but if i had i would have improved a lot more. Reading their thoughts has literally opened my eyes. Now all I need to do is work my ass off and put more hours in to my work. Oops...sorry I’m getting carried away. I need to get back to answering the task....
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